Kaddish is known as the mourner’s prayer. The prayer does not speak of death or mourning, but is an affirmation of life and our unfailing faith in G-d.
Kaddish is recited for parents, spouses, siblings and children. For parents it is recited for eleven months following burial and for all other relatives, for thirty days.
By reciting the Kaddish, we preserve the memory of our beloved, even after the formal period of mourning has ended. We say the Kaddish each year on the anniversary of death, known as Yahrzeit. At this time,it is customary to contribute tzedakah (charity) in a loved one’s name.
We also recite Kaddish at memorial services known as Yizkor. Yizkor occurs four times a year: Yom Kippur, the 8th day of Sukkot known as Shemini Atzeret, the last day of Passover and the second day of Shavuot.
Above all we remember, and through our reminiscence, our beloved’s memory remains a blessing.
Click here to learn more about the history of the Kaddish and learn why we recite this ancient prayer.
The content above is courtesy of Mt. Sinai Cemetery.