Open Letter
The Crescent Memorial Park Board of Trustees would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our website. If you are a lot owner you are already a member of the Crescent Memorial Park non-profit corporation, and if you are not yet a lot owner, we hope to have the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about how Crescent may serve the needs of you and your family.
As a lot owner we welcome and encourage you to attend meetings of the Board of Trustees. These are scheduled five times over the course of the year with an Annual Meeting occurring in June. Meeting dates, times and locations are available here on our website. Please click on the link for that information.
Crescent Memorial Park has served the Jewish community of southern New Jersey since 1933 and we the Board of Trustees are committed to providing respectful, dignified and compassionate services to our members and their families.
If you have any questions or concerns you can direct them to our Superintendent, Michael Tartaglia at 856-986-6621
The Crescent Memorial Park Board of Trustees.
Bonni Rubin-Sugarman
Steven Gilbert
Larry Liebman
Daniel Wolf
Carlos Garber